• Life at the moment is about the both/and. Knowing deep joy alongside the tears.

  • In many ways as a family we’re sitting in the ruins. If we took our eyes off Jesus for long enough we would be overwhelmed.

  • I didn’t want to talk about cancer.

  • Keeping the table extended

Kathryn Harte Kathryn Harte


In many ways as a family we’re sitting in the ruins. If we took our eyes off Jesus for long enough we would be overwhelmed by all that has been stolen from us and overtaken by hopelessness.

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Kathryn Harte Kathryn Harte

House of Miracles

In some ways it’s daunting to find ourselves in the middle of lockdown as we enter Lent again not knowing what the months ahead hold, but the same God who was with us during the difficulties of Lent 2020 (and the months following Easter) is with us now still moving, still speaking, still working things for good.

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Kathryn Harte Kathryn Harte

Talking About Cancer

In so many ways cancer has formed us, stretched us, shaped us and made us the people we are today. It’s part of our story worth telling.

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Kathryn Harte Kathryn Harte

Do the Next Right Thing

The reality is that this is not a time for grand plans, or charting out a mission strategy. I don’t have the energy for that and I simply can’t look too far ahead. I don’t know what each day brings…But what I can do is ask God ” How can I be part of what you’re up to today?” and “do the next right thing”.

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