• Life at the moment is about the both/and. Knowing deep joy alongside the tears.

  • In many ways as a family we’re sitting in the ruins. If we took our eyes off Jesus for long enough we would be overwhelmed.

  • I didn’t want to talk about cancer.

  • Keeping the table extended

Kathryn Harte Kathryn Harte

Ask, Seek, Knock

God knows that Timothy longs to be fully well and fully alive. I don’t for one moment believe that our loving God has a different plan than this.

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Kathryn Harte Kathryn Harte

The Goodness of God

I don’t for one moment believe that childhood cancer is part of God’s “good” plan for the life of my son or our family!

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Kathryn Harte Kathryn Harte

Keeping the Table Extended

As we’ve tried to process the enormity of the news we received last week there is one thing that we know for sure… we’re keeping the table extended.

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