Thankful for us

20 years ago today these young faces said "I do"! It was one of the happiest days of our lives.

The verse written on our wedding invitation read "A cord of three strands is not easily broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

We believed this in theory but we had no idea what was ahead. We had no idea what joy, fun, laughter and adventures we would have together. We had no idea the difficulties and the sadness we would experience together.

Today, we know it to be true! Ross and I (and four boys, and a dog and a cat!) have walked together with God as our strength through all that life has thrown at us, the good, the bad and the wonderful!

I'm so thankful for us. I'm so thankful for God's constant love and presence with us as a family. Here's to the next 20!


Wallowing nearly had me

