All their tears

Once in Bristol late at night while my son was still in isolation post Bone Marrow Transplant, the fire alarm went off and we had to prepare to leave the hospital room. I was scared, my son was scared. The nurses tried to keep us calm but I think they were scared too.

My son had been in this room for three weeks. Only two designated adults, doctors/nurses in gloves and aprons, and a few other hospital staff come could in. Everything had to be wiped down to come into the room, I even had to change my clothes and shoes if I had been outside.

This was all to keep my son safe without a properly functioning immune system. I was terrified at the thought of having to take him out of this protective bubble and this was before covid even existed.

Thankfully the fire alarm stopped. It was a false alarm. We didn’t have to go anywhere.

I saw pictures on the news this morning of children with cancer taking shelter in a hospital basement in Ukraine. As soon as I saw these pictures my mind went back to that night in the hospital. I fought back the tears until the kids left for school.

This is no false alarm for children fighting cancer in Ukraine. They are now fighting cancer in a hospital basement. They have had to leave their protective bubbles that have been keeping them safe. It is umimaginable. I just can’t bear the fear these children and families must be feeling.

I feel so helpless. There is nothing I can do but pray knowing that God sees their fear and catches their tears.




Hope for a new year